Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Permission to graduate

"Excuse me, where is the Graduation Office", I asked politely.  A young man with skin as flawless as a baby's butt, who sits behind an information booth at the Watson Hall, eager to help, answers, "see that grey wall over there, go pass that and it will be on the right."  "Thanks", I replied with gratefulness.

While I recognize the deadline for this application was missed by six days, I am hopeful that someone in this office is having a good day; that they were hugged, kissed and loved by their spouse before leaving the house this morning, and in their lunch bag, they found a heart-shaped truffle and a note saying "I love you".  This is the kind of day that would fully benefit others around them, specifically mine.

The lady at the window has a homely face, hair is rich dark chocolate and unkept, skin is perfectly roasted and a smile so warm, I knew this could be the one who got hugged this morning.  And she was!  It could very well be my desperate voice and saddened eyes that made her heart soften. I'm not sure.  But she granted me the application.  I grab the 3-page stapled form and a pen decorated with some cheesey paper origami and found myself a seat to carefully fill it out, without making any mistakes. Worried that she may change her mind, I power through the form and walk back up to the window.

My warm-hearted lady was replaced by two different ladies whom already seem to know my scammed motive.  One lady quickly glanced at my application and said in a tone of authority, "I see that you are a Business major, in the future, you should meet all deadlines, but this time we will accept it."  Appreciative, I keep my mouth shut, nodded and thanked her.  A rush of unwelcomed obligated responsibilities poured all over me.  I couldn't resist the thought to print a banner that says, " Attention all majors other than Business, you are free to be late on all deadlines and all future meetings, especially the important ones, and everything else in your life".  

Yes, it was a sensitive subject because if the lady knew anything about me, she would know my work ethics and my obsession with being on time to everything.  But I let it not effect me in a way that takes the best of me, instead I will blog my anger away.  I agree with the importance of meeting deadlines, but if you are going to do something nice for someone, please refrain from making them feel guilty or belittling them. It really defeat the purpose.

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