Wednesday, March 14, 2012

stuffy room & ice cold beer

I must have pinched a nerve in my back last night when I climbed on top of Dan to give him a kiss. But the pain in my lower back didn't keep me from weaving in and out of dreams last night.

I can remember one so clearly it feels like I was really there. I was in a small room, it had high windows some of them were closed and others were half open, bright florescent lights, and several rows of mix matched chairs that were awkwardly arranged throughout the room, occupying it from wall to wall. Filling each chair were a mixture of people, all of which were no different from the other. There was a long table placed against a wall near the door, there was nothing on it. The room was stuffy and warm. It was like being sardined in the Underground in London during rush hour and having to be squeezed next to man wearing a suit that hasn't been dry cleaned in years and the odor from his underarm attacked all of my senses.

Sitting almost center amongst the chairs is me, on one side is someone I thought I knew and on the other side is a stranger. In fact, no body in the room looked familiar. At the very front of the room are a row of four chairs facing us and in the chairs are four random people, one sharing a survival story and the other three fueled questions to help with the flow.

The brightness of the room intensified, making me feel like I was on the operating table and the surgeons were performing medical procedures on me while I was awake. It was almost terrifying. The smell was getting worse. I zoned out of the room for a little while as I looked down on my lap, at a notebook that has in it my hand-written notes from a Business Calculus class, I read it. I read it with hopes that I would do well on my midterm next Thursday. I started to envision getting all 19 problems wrong. I was obviously not ready. Losing interest of these math problems, a voice from behind me became clear, it is a girl, and even though I couldnt see her even when I turned my head, she sounded young but not naive, probably in her early 20's. She talked about her own survival story, describing her failed liver and pancreas and nearly died. She explained in details and although I couldn't remember the details, I could remember the pain in her voice. She said clearly that even though she would probably be better off dead, she would still choose life over death if given the choice. Once her voice faded, everyone stood on their feetwith back against the four walls, pushed all the chairs to the center, and held hands as the room began to vanish.

It is now 6:19pm on a Wednesday evening, daylight is still beaming through the shutters, the tv is turned to a movie that is showing its credits, fresh guacamole is chilling in the fridge, boiled eggs cooling on the stove, washed spinach is drying off in a colander, and grilled veggies are roasting in the stove oven along with grilled steak and chicken wrapped in tin foil. A light dinner and a greeny drink are coming right up.

As for me, I'm sitting on the couch, with my buttock pushed slightly near the edge, and feet resting on the coffee table, I glance at a beer -Independent Full Sail Amber- wearing a St. Louis Cardinal koozie and it is standing at a reachable distance next to my feet. I grab it and take a slow sip, filling my mouth, enjoying the bubbly texture while its flavor hits my taste buds. I am finally whining down. Life is amazing in my neck of the woods.

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