Sunday, June 14, 2009

back to school

Preparing for my first day back to school was always exciting. I would get new binders, papers, pencils, a box of 64 color crayons, basically, my backpack was filled up with everything new. If I was lucky and if my parents can afford it, I would be treated to a new hair cut and a couple of new outfits. Oh, and for class orientation, classroom visit, and school pictures, they would even go with me. Going back to school was just plain exciting.

Years and years and years later, what was once excitement converted into fear. Requiring a great deal of pep talk and self encouragement, I forced myself to meet with a counselor, which turned out to be painful, more so than a visit to the doctor's office. Although it was the kind of pain that didn't physically hurt, it came in the form of shamefulness, the kind that was powerful enough to keep me out of school for as long as it did. I over came it. I met the counselor, face to face.

This day and age, enrolling in classes is designed to be super convenient, everything is done through a click of a button. Considering the significant amount of years that I was out of school, this was not so convenient. The good old days when we used to call in on the phone, punch in our desired class number and there we would have it, class enrolled. Those days are gone. Nonetheless, I managed to get myself enrolled in a class for the summer. It's all coming back to me.

No new hair cut or outfit, just a few very very expensive books, my first day of class remain far from excitment.

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